District Meetings
District 1:
- 7:00 pm First Tuesday
- River of Life Lutheran Church. 5151 N.W. Radial Hwy.
District 2:
- 7:00 pm Last Tuesday
- Lutheran Church of the Master, 2617 S. 114 St.
- Enter on North side, meet in Library
District 6 (IA):
- 7:00 pm 3rd Wednesday
- 309 Club - 309 Elm Street, Atlantic IA 50022
District 18:
- 1:00 pm 3rd Sunday
- Lord of Love Lutheran Church 10405 Fort St.
- https://us02web.zoom.us/j/83670870364?pwd=OFA4OFg0Vk1VK3FIR0x2UnNSdmEyQT09
- Meeting ID: 836 7087 0364
- Passcode: AA
District 19:
- 7:00 pm 2nd Tuesday
- Hanscom Park United Methodist Church, 4444 Frances Street
District 20:
- 7:00 pm 1st Wednesday
- Reed Center 1200 Lord Blvd. Bellevue NE
District 23:
- 6:00 pm 1st Thursday
- Trinity UMC, 8009 Q, Ralston
- https://us02web.zoom.us/j/4026595466?pwd=YVlhdUdvRExkc1h6bVlEbnpBa1dmUT09
- Meeting ID: 402 659 5466
- Password: district
District 25:
- 7:30 3rd Monday
- St. Matthews Luth. Ch. 1725 S. 60th St.
District 28:
- 6:30 pm 2nd Thursday Even numbered months
- First City Church, 1908 Lloyd Street, Bellevue, NE 68005
Bay Hills Clubhouse, 3200 Buccaneer Blvd, Plattsmouth