38th Annual Pockets of Enthusiasm

Mahoney State Park 28500 W Park Hwy, Ashland, NE, United States

We aren't a glum lot!! The 38th Annual Pockets of Enthusiasm   June 2-4, 2023 Eugene T. Mahoney State Park 28500 W Park Hwy Ashland, NE 68003 Speakers Friday 8:00 pm - Terry C (Papillion NE - AA) Saturday 9:30 am - Jill J (Clive IA - AA) Saturday 6:00 pm - Les B (Bellevue NE - AFG) Saturday 7:30 Continue Reading

64th Annual Area 41 Reunion

Quality Inn & Conference - Grand Island, NE 7838 S. Hwy 281, Grand Island, NE, United States

64th Annual Area 41 Reunion 2023 06 02 - 64th Annual Area 41 Reunion



Louisville SRA 15810 Hwy 50, Louisville, NE, United States

2023 06 10 - Pre-Pig Dinner @ 5pm (Bring a Side to Share) Fireside Meeting @ 7pm Cornhole Tournament @ 2pm  ($5/per person; $10/per team)

Step 11 Prayer & Meditation Workshop

Prairie Lane Church 3111 S 119th St., Omaha, Nebraska

Step 11 Workshop Flyer 3PD  June 17, 2023 - Saturday Prairie Lane Church 3111 S 119th Street Omaha Free to all Continental Breakfast provided Service Opportunities and RSVP Step 11 Workshop Flyer 3PDF

To Submit an Event for the calendar –


If you have a flyer, we prefer a JPEG format.

But we’ll find a way to post whatever information you provide regarding your event
